Decadent & Heathy Almond Bites

Decadent & Heathy Almond Bites

My no-bake Almond Bites are healthy, decadent and melt in your mouth. They are incredibly quick and easy to prepare using only five ingredients and prepared in 30 minutes or less. Naturally vegan, flourless, gluten-free and keto-friendly.

These little Almond Bites of deliciousness taste so decadent and rich yet are very healthy. Roasting the almonds releases their natural nutty flavours and aroma. Roasting the cardamom pods remarkably enhances the favour of these Almond Bites. And using Monk sugar in the place of refined white sugar decreases sugar intake without compromising flavour.

Roast the almonds in the oven to enhance their flavour and stimulate their oils. Also roast the coconut slightly to make it crunchy and nutty. I used monk sugar but you can also use 3/4 cup of refined white sugar if desired. Adjust the sweetness to your taste.

If you find the mixture too coarse to roll into balls, add the melted coconut oil 1 teaspoon at a time. I found the bites tasted better the next day after being refrigerated. This is a delicious, healthy recipe that you will definitely enjoy!

Decadent & Heathy Almond Bites
  1. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. Spread the almonds onto a baking pan and place into a preheated oven. Roast for 8-15 minutes or until they are a few shades darker and have a nutty aroma. Shake the pan every 5 minutes and be very careful they don’t burn - once they are toasted, they will begin to burn very quickly. Also, oven heats vary so keep a close eyes on them as they roast.
  3. When roasted, remove the almonds from the oven and pour into a dish so they stop cooking. Turn the oven off.
  4. Spread the dry coconut and cardamom pods onto the baking pan and return the pan to the oven for another 2-3 minutes until the coconut roasts but has not changed colour (has not started to brown). Remove from the oven, transfer to another dish and set aside to let cool.
  5. Pour the almonds and coconut flakes into a blender and blend into a coarse powder. Transfer to the bowl and set aside.
  6. Pour the sugar and cardamom pods into the bender and blend into a fine powder.
  7. Add the almond/coconut powder to the sugar and blend until the mixture is warm and the almonds begin to release their oil. Add 1 Tablespoon of the melted coconut oil and blend until just blended (scraping the sides as necessary).
  8. Transfer the almond mixture into a medium size bowl and roll into balls of desired size. If the mixture is too coarse and does not hold, add the melted coconut oil 1 Teaspoon at a time until the mixture holds its ball shapes. Eat warm or refrigerate.