Creme Caramel Flan

Creme Caramel Flan

Creme Caramel Flan is on my list of ‘Most Amazing Desserts Ever’. The creamy custard infused with golden liquidy caramel sauce is shear deliciousness. This luscious French dessert enjoyed worldwide is creamy and sweet infused with the burnt caramel sauce.

Prepare the caramel sauce first. Add the sugar into the middle of a pan. Pour the water in slowly and don’t handle it any further. If you stir or move the pot around, the sugar will crystallize and turn solid which is not what you want. Place the pan on medium high heat and let the sugar melt and begin bubbling. It will bubble for close to 7-10 minutes. Watch it closely until it starts to turn a golden orange/amber colour which means the sauce has started to caramelize. Now swirl the pot.

When the caramel is a dark orange colour, which will happen very quickly and take only a minute, remove the pan from the heat and continue to swirl until it becomes an even colour. Quickly pour the caramel into the ramekins, swirling quickly to evenly cover the base. The caramel will quickly heat the pan so careful with your fingers!

Next make the custard by heating the milk until it simmers, add the sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves then add the vanilla and mix. In a medium size pan, beat the eggs lightly. Slowly add the hot milk to the eggs, mixing constantly. Adding the milk slowly tempers the mixture. Otherwise if the milk is too hot and not added very slowly, you may end up with scrambled eggs.

Pour the custard into the individual ramekins and place them in a large baking pan, add boiling water halfway up the pan edge and bake in the oven at 325 F for 30-40 minutes. The creme caramel is ready when the tops are jiggly and not wavy or fluid.

Remove the ramekins from the oven and allow to come to room temperature, then store in the refrigerator for several hours or preferably overnight. To serve, run a knife along the inside of each ramekin ensuring not to cut into the custard. Invert onto the serving plate and serve very cold with your favorite garnish (or without).

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Creme Caramel
  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place eight 4-ounce ramekins in a large roasting pan.
  2. Place a small, heavy pan on medium-low heat and add 3/4 cup sugar into the middle and pour the water in slowly and don’t handle it any further. If you stir or move the pot around, the sugar will crystallize and turn solid which is not what you want. Let the sugar melt and begin bubbling. When the sugar begins to bubble, begin swirling the pot occasionally until the caramel begins to turn amber, 6 to 8 minutes. Working quickly, divide caramel between ramekins, swirling ramekins to coat bottoms evenly, set aside.
  3. Heat the milk until it simmers, remove from heat and add the remaining 1/4 cup sugar, vanilla and salt. Stir until the sugar dissolves.
  4. In a separate medium-size bowl, beat the eggs well and then slowly whisk in the hot milk. Add the milk very slowly, whisking after each addition so the eggs can temper while the hot milk is being combined. Be careful here, if the milk is either too hot or added too fast - you could end up with scrambled eggs.
  5. Pour the egg/milk mixture evenly into the ramekins. Place the ramekins in a large baking pan. Fill the baking pan halfway with simmering-hot water. Bake for about 30-40 minutes or until the creme is set (centres should be jiggly not wavy).
  6. Remove the ramekins from the oven and place them on a wire rack to cool and then refrigerate for several hours or overnight. The Creme Caramel is served very cold.
  7. Before serving, run a knife around the inside edge of each ramekin, invert the Creme Caramel into a single serving plate and enjoy! Garnish with fruit, mint or your favourite garnish.