I use to think making saag was a daunting undertaking, but I discovered that with the use of my crockpot – it’s actually very quick and easy. You can also make this very easily in a large, heavy pan.
  1. Lightly grease the crockpot with either oil or ghee and add the chopped rapini, broccoli and spinach).
  2. Cover and cook on high for 2 hours or on low for 3 hours. I leave mine on in the garage overnight on low for a maximum of 4 hours.
  3. If you are not using a crockpot, then place a heavy pan on medium heat, add 1/2 cup or water and cook the greens until they are wilted and cooked.
  4. Once the greens are are all cooked turn of the crockpot or heat (if using a pan on stovetop) and set aside.
  5. In a heavy frying pan on medium heat, add the oil or ghee until warm.
  6. Add the chopped onions, ginger and garlic and cook until onions are soft and garlic is lightly browned.
  7. Add all the spices and cook until fragrant.
  8. Add the chopped tomato and cook until the tomato is soft.
  9. Add the onion mixture to the greens and puree with a hand puree blender until everything is pureed. Stir and mix well.
  10. Reheat the Saag. If using the crockpot, place it on the high setting until it simmers. If using a stovetop pan, place the pan on low-medium heat until the mixture simmers.
  11. Add the cornmeal and let simmer for 5 minutes. The purpose of the cornmeal is to thicken the Saag slightly.
  12. Serve with naan, chapati or on rice.